Thursday, October 18, 2007

Origin of Rhymes

Itz lyk i read dis article in d newz paper a long back .. thought u ppl wud need 2 knw abt it more than d lil kidz do :p .. ..Here r sum few rhymes ;) hav fun readin it . . .quite a General knowledge u c ..

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!

Humpty Dumpty was a powerful cannon during the English Civil War (1642-49). It was mounted on top of the St. Mary's at the Wall Church in Colchester defending the city against siege in the summer of 1648. (Although Colchester was a Parliamentarian stronghold, it was captured by the Royalists who held it for 11 weeks.) The church tower was hit by the enemy and the top of the tower was blown off, sending "Humpty" tumbling to the ground. Naturally the King's men* tried to mend him but in vain. * The "men" would have been infantry, and "horses" the cavalry troops.


Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner
Eating a Christmas Pie
He put in his thumb

And pulled out a plum
And said

"Oh, what a good boy am I!"

According to legend, Little Jack Horner was actually Thomas Horner, steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury during the reign of King Henry VIII. Rumor had it that the inquisitive king would soon be reaching for some Glastonbury holdings. The nervous Abbot, hoping to appease the royal appetite, sent the king a special gift: a pie containing twelve deeds to manor houses. On his way to London, the not-so-loyal courier Horner stuck his thumb into the pie and extracted the deed for Mells Manor, a plum piece of real estate, where his descendants live to this day.


Ring Around the Rosie
A pocket full of posies
Ashes, ashes,

We all fall down.

Philip Hiscock, a folklorist at Memorial University in Newfoundland, states that this rhyme likely originated as a way of skirting Protestant bans on dancing: "Adolescents found a way around the dancing ban with what was called in the United States the 'play-party.' Play-parties consisted of ring games, which differed from square dances only in their name and their lack of musical accompaniment. They were hugely popular, and younger children got into the act, too. Some modern nursery games, particularly those which involve rings of children, derive from these play-party games. 'Little Sally Saucer' (or 'Sally Waters') is one of them, and 'Ring Around the Rosie' seems to be another. The rings referred to in the rhymes are literally the rings formed by the playing children."


Not bad @ all . . I guess im still in d mood say .. Bla bla black sheep , The very gud old chweet cute dayz of our livex . .dont u ppl remember sayin all dis ? omg .. i do !!!


Aashi said...

thnx 4 the info sweety!!>.


keep up the gud job!!!!


Archana said...

lol...all that history behind nursery rhymes?I'm pleasantly surprised!:)

Unknown said...

omg!! unique piece of work!! who'd thot of doin tiz!

keep it up :) :)

Nightmare.. said...

thanx .. :D

VIVEK !!! said...,thats what i call good work.

Ananya said...

omg!kewl..i neva knew all this history behind these rhymes! :D

Aditya Kasavaraju said...

Oh great info ! Remarkable work rini :) Keep it up !